Incorporating AI in a meaningful way
It was not an easy task to figure out how to best leverage the machine intelligence piece into the design. The simplest incorporation that could be achieved in the time allotted for the PoC was on the dashboard for each persona, where there could be a daily delivery of content curated for the individual and suggestions of actions to be taken next.
However, the design team used this opportunity to envision a conversational UI that could be used in addition to the dashboard and from anywhere within the application. This extension of the AI would allow individuals to communicate more effectively with their teammates by sharing relevant pieces of marketing material. It would also be able to auto-suggest times for meetings and act as a virtual private assistant for the sales team staff.
Do chatbots dream of electric sheep?
In order to make the chatbot feel a bit more real, I spent time creating a small narrative on the AI piece to determine its usage, voice and relevance with the platform. This process was the highlight of the project for me as it was very much akin to creating a character in a fictional story and then watching how they interact with the various personas.
For each persona I tried to envision a way that they could use the chatbot and AI to help them in their day to day activities. Not everyone would be comfortable leveraging this capability, so I tried to make "Ada" as personable as possible.